01Travel in time
This one is for you - the players

XP Collection
Collect XPby killing others and work yourself up.
Starting Area
As a hero you start in the Medieval era, here itis important that you get to know the game and players around you.

Portal of Warlords-Ruins of Sengoku
Is an action-adventure game where you playreal-life scenarios and complete missions to progress through the story.
To generate XP as a player, your in-game character must complete missions and events. Every week we have events at which prizes can be won. Players earn gold pieces that are used to purchase new gear.

When you enter the world, it is important that you have gold tokens as bounty for other players. When you kill another player, this bounty increases by 20% of the kill value. But be warned it disappears if you are killed!

ERA 1Medieval
Portal of Warlords - Ruins of Sengoku [YEAR 1482]
ERA 2Semi-Modern
Portal of Warlords- Taisho Towers [YEAR 1912]
Portal of Warlords- King of Kings [YEAR 2023]
Portal of Warlords- Uncharted Machinery [YEAR 2134]
Hunt or be hunted
Now that you have entered the world of warlords,you will need to protect yourself and your possessions.
In Portal of Warlords-RuinsofSengoku you are the hunteror the hunted, the killer or the killed. There are only a few neutral positionsin the game. At no time are you safe, so be on your guard at all time. Takegreat care.

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Brains, Brawn and Brotherhood
If you prefer to plan carefully and think strategically, then look outfor the dreaded Mafia faction that controls the entire Mafia district. Thereare several such gangs in Portal of Warlords; each controllingtheir part of the city and scheming ruthlessly to become the ultimate bosses ofthe era. But no matter how you like to play, there is room for everyone in Portal of Warlords

Player with the highest bounty

A leader board shows the players with the highest bounty. If playershave weapons in their pockets when they are killed, these will drop and be upfor grabs. All items are for sale from certain levels.